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Ready-to Start

The program for your starting employees


Unique onboarding

Give your new employees a unique onboarding experience in your organization! Nothing is more fun and at the same time more exciting than starting in a new position at a new company. Because the first 90 days are essential to get to know a new organization and feel at home, an educational onboarding is an absolute must.

Successful building blocks

So give new employees the best start with our Ready-to-Start program! Our 'blended' onboarding experience provides the necessary building blocks for an educational start-up period at your organization, including pre-boarding activities. We work together to create a unique design that suits your organization and provide interactive online assignments and physical meetings.


An impactful experience

For example, a 90-day onboarding program to build employee engagement and cross-functional networks. Or a flexible, short training period to allow employees to build up the right knowledge. And that without an expensive app or learning management system! Opt for an amazing onboarding experience with Ready-to-Start!

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