We create learning journeys for different types of target groups.

The initial question is always the same: what different result is desired?
The next question is, what behaviour do we want the participant to exhibit to achieve this result? We have to established a 'learning process' in order to learn and practise this behaviour. This is now commonly referred to as a 'learning journey.' Now we get to the most enjoyable part of our job: putting together this journey. We can choose from an infinite number of interventions, all of which can have an effect on the knowledge, skills and attitude of the participant. Think of physical training or e-learning. Or better yet, an e-learning prior to a training. This way you can have knowledge absorption take place individually and practice and evaluate it in groups, which has been proven to have a great learning effect. And how do you build up the e-learning; first self test? First an inspiring video? First the theory and that a test? First exercise? Nice puzzle! Then we can choose from a vast array of modern learning technologies with which we can experiment. Click here to learn more about how technology is used in our programs.
As a result, we get a mix of face-to-face and ICT-based learning activities, materials, and tools. This 'blended learning' approach has another significant advantage: you can design your learning path so that it accommodates participants with varying learning styles. Some people prefer to begin with theory, while others prefer to begin with an experiment.
This allows us to truly place the participant at the centre of the design. Learn more about how we put 'learners first' here.