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Ready to Motivate

Development, based on the Talent Management Analysis (TMA)


Make better use of talent

Ready-to Motivate is a program that helps organizations to utilize and develop the talent in their employees. The program is based on the Talent Management Analysis (TMA) method. This method is based on positive psychology and is aimed at developing the talents, motives and competences of participants.

The talent analysis


The program starts with the completion of the Talent Analysis by each participant. The participant then discusses the analysis with a certified coach, who provides in-depth insight into their own qualities and pitfalls, development potential, effective and avoidable communication behavior and the ideal working environment. With this insight, the participant can convert his or her talent into actual performance.


Create development culture 


In addition to individual analyzes for employees, TMA also provides insight into the composition of successful teams. By means of 360 degree feedback, data is collected on the competencies and behavior of the team members. This gives you as an organization insight into the potential of teams and you as an organization can develop a common language around talent development. This creates a development culture in which individuals and teams can perform to the maximum.

Job satisfaction


By using Ready-to Motivate as a talent manager, you give your employees the opportunity to use their talents and you contribute to personal and organizational development. As a result, employees will contribute to your organizational goals with more job satisfaction and satisfaction and teams will work together more effectively.

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